
Is remote work better than being in the office? It's complicated.
Mark Mortensen.

1 Answer the questions:

1. What do you think about hybrid working (work from the office +
work from home)?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each type of work?
3. What's the right balance of work from home versus work from the office?
4. Who gets to decide? Is it managers, is it the employees? Is it both?
5. How long can a given employee actually remain productive working from home? Is there a limit?
6. Who gets to work in each way? What should it be based on in terms of criteria? Should it be based on seniority, task, personal situation?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. remote work - удаленная работа
2. There’s no shortage of opinions about sth - нет недостатка во мнениях по поводу чего-то
3. to spell destruction for sth - грозить уничтожением для чего-то
4. We’be thrived - Мы преуспели
5. stakeholder - участник/заинтересованная сторона/акционер
6. to deliver on stakeholder commitments - выполнить обязательства перед заинтересованными сторонами
7. to retain sth - сохранить что-то
8. to nurture sth / [ˈnɜːtʃər] - взрастить/воспитывать
9. social fabric - социальная структура/ общественное устройство
10. inherent [ɪnˈherənt] in sth - присущий чему-то, неотъемлемый
11. to be wary of/about sth [ˈweəri] - быть осторожным по поводу чего-либо
12. to pout to sth as proof - указывать на что-то в качестве доказательства
13. to cut the fat - сократить лишним расходы
14. to become laser-focused on sth - предельно сосредоточиться на чему-то
15. in effect - в действительности
16. to be in survival mode - быть в режиме выживания
17. to delineate work-life boundaries - очертить границы между работой и личной жизнью
18. the sustainability of our effectiveness - устойчивость нашей эффективности
19. escalation of perks - рост льгот
20. that is the crux of this staffing challenge - в этом суть этой кадровой проблемы
21. to commute to work - ездить на работу
22. to decompress - успокоиться/отдохнуть
23. shake off a rough day - забыть о сложном дне
24. This is far from easy. - Это не так легко.
3 Answer these questions:

What are the three problems Mark speaks about (the effectiveness debate/the staffing discussion/social fabric)

4 Do you agree with Mark?

1. ‘Nothing works all of the time’
2. ‘One size fits none’
3. ‘What you need to recognize is that the comparison isn't actually between work from home and office work. Instead, it's really between the perception of work from home versus the perception of work from the office.’
4. ‘Organisational culture is a long game’

5 Is remote work better than being in the office? What do you think?