
How "second chance" laws could transform the US justice system.
Sheena Meade.

1 Answer the questions:

1. Do you believe in ‘a second chance’?
2. Have you ever broken the law? If yes, what was the situation?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. to blare - громко звучать/вопить/орать (о технике)
2. It is like music to my ears. - Как бальзам на душу.
3. There’s a knock at the door - Стук в дверь
4. to disrupt sth - нарушать что-то
5. to snap out of sth - вырваться из чего-то
6. to write a check for 10$ - выписать чек на 10$
7. to bounce the check - отклонить чек
8. prosecutorial discretion - усмотрение прокурора
9. the district attorney [əˈtɜːni] - прокурор округа
10. to prosecute sb - возбуждать уголовное дело
11. to handcuff sb - надеть на кого-то наручники
12. offense - правонарушение/преступление
13. conviction - признание виновным в преступлении
14. sentence - приговор
15. a person with a record - человек с уголовным прошлым
16. one in three people - каждый третий человек
17. to be eligible [ˈelɪdʒəbəl] - иметь право
18. to be full of red tape - завязнуть в бюрократии
19. to navigate the whole process - ориентироваться во всем процессе
20. stigma - клеймо
21. to fathom sth - понимать что-то
22. to be on a pathway to do sth - быть на пути сделать что-то
3 Answer these questions:

1. Should parents be handcuffed in front of their children? Why/Why not?
2. Do offenses remain on people’s records or should those chapters of people’s lives be closed?
3. Should people with records be excluded from certain certifications and occupational license?
4. America is a nation of second chances, isn’t it?
5. Should the state allow a person to get their record cleared?
6. What is automatic record clearance? Do you support the idea?

4 What did that do for you?

‘I just want to leave you all with this. And I even invite some of you to close your eyes when I ask you this. Because it's really important. I want you to think about all the second chances that you've received. Whether it was from your teachers, your parents, your community, even your kids. Think about what that felt like. Think about what that did for you’

What did that do for you?

5 What do you think of people who turned their pain into purpose?