
Embrace the shake.
Phil Hansen.

1 Remember the words and phrases:

1. in hindsight - оглядываясь назад
2. this is really doomsday - это действительно конец света
3. That was the destruction of my dream of becoming an artist - Моя мечта стать художником разрушилась.
4. a single-minded pursuit of pointillism - целеустремленная погоня за пуантилизмом (рисованием небольшими точками)
5. tadpoles - головастики
6. to hold sth tighter - крепче что-то держать
7. this became a vicious cycle [ˈvɪʃəs] - это стало порочным кругом
8. to embrace sth - принять что-то
9. scribble - волнистый
10. to do art - заниматься искусством/to make art - создавать искусство
11. to find a different approach to doing sth - найти другой способ что-то делать
12. to finish up school - закончить школу
13. to afford new art supplies - позволить себе новые принадлежности для рисования
14. to get a paycheck - получить зарплату
15. to go nuts doing sth - безумно что-то делать (as you’re so excited)
16. nothing came to mind - ничего не приходило на ум
17. to slipp into a creative slump - скатываться в творческий кризис
18. I was creatively blank - я был творчески пуст
19. jittery - нервный
20. I bruised a joint in my pinkie - я ушиб сустав на мизинце
21. revolving canvas - вращающееся полотно
22. to be perpetual and unencumbered by results - быть вечным и необремененным результатами
23. to harness creativity - использовать творческий потенциал
24. to get sb out of ruts - вытащить кого-то из рутины (колеи)
25. to seize the day - жить сегодняшним днём/наслаждаться моментом
2 Answer these questions:

1. What happened to Phil in art school?
2. What did he call ‘a vicious circle’?
3. What did the neurologist tell Phil about his hand?
4. When did Phil realize that he could still make art?
5. What approaches to creativity did Phil find to completely change his artistic horizons?
6. Why was it so important to Phil to get a job?
7. Why did Phil creatively blank after buying art supplies?
8. When did Phil understand that ‘we need to first be limited in order to become limitless’?
9. What idea did you like best? (pointillism/scribble pictures/walking on a canvas/burning a canvas/drawing on cups/painting on the chest/painting with karate chops/writing stories onto the revolving canvas/Goodbye art project/pictures with live worms/tattooing a banana? Why?

3 How do you understand these phrases?

1. ‘Embracing a limitation could actually drive creativity’
2. ‘And I realized, if I ever wanted my creativity back, I had to quit trying so hard to think outside of the box and get back into it.’
3. ‘We need to first be limited in order to become limitless.’
4. ‘I found a process of creating art that's perpetual and unencumbered by results.’
5. ‘Because ultimately, most of what we do takes place here, inside the box, with limited resources.’
6. ‘And instead of telling each other to seize the day, maybe we can remind ourselves every day to seize the limitation.’