
3 Answer these questions:

1. How does Adam define “givers” and “takers”? What does the third style called "matching” mean?
2. Why does Adam call givers the worst performers after measuring their productivity?
3. Why do givers make their organizations better (higher profits, customer satisfaction, employee retention, lower operating expenses)?
4. Why doesn’t Adam call takers the best performers?
5. What are the two things that matter if you want to build a culture where givers get to excel?
6. What do ‘the five-minute favour’ and ‘help-seeking’ mean? How should givers use these secret weapons?
7. Why is it important to be thoughtful about who you let onto your team?
8. How can you catch a taker in the interview process?

4 Do you agree with this phrase? Why/Why not?

1. We all have moments of giving and taking. Your style is how you treat most of the people most of the time, your default.
2. One bad apple can spoil a barrel, but one good egg just does not make a dozen.
1 Answer the questions:

1. How do you understand the phrases “to be a giver” and “to be a taker”?
2. Are you a giver or a taker?

2 Remember the words and phrases:

1. to spend a lot of time in my workplace - много времени проводить на рабочем месте
2. to be self-serving - корыстный
3. to approach most interactions by doing - подходить к большинству взаимодействий путём
4. your default - по умолчанию
5. to figure out - выяснить
6. to get burned - «обжечься в жизни»
7. to survey sth - обследовать что-то
8. quid pro quo [ˌkwɪd prəʊ ˈkwəʊ] - услуга за услугу
9. definitive (answer/solution) - точный/окончательный
10. to do sb a favour - сделать одолжение
11. to get the work completed - завершить работу
12. You suck at your job! (slang) - Ты проваливаешь задания на работе! (Ты отстойно работаешь!)
13. crappy products - дрянные продукты
14. So just out of curiosity - лишь из любопытства
15. there's a twist here - есть интересная деталь (неожиданный поворот)
16. to fall at the hands of sb - попадать в руки кого-то
17. An eye for an eye - idiom - око за око
18. to go to both extremes - вплавит в обе крайности
19. to get to excel - преуспеть
20. serial entrepreneur [ˈsɪəriəl ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː] - серийный предприниматель
21. to burden others - напрягать других
22. to weep out sb - удалять кого-то
23. agreeableness - приятность (cooperative, polite, kind, and friendly)
24. undervalued - недооцененный
25. to protect sb from burnout - защитить от выгорания
26. to define success - давать определение успеху
27. delusion - заблуждение/иллюзия

Are you a giver or a taker?
Adam Grant.